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The draw up has taken place and the weir has been closed.

01 Aug Posted by in Environment, News and Events, Sailing | Comments

Dear all

The draw up has taken place and the weir has been closed. The Vlei is filling rapidly; rowing and probably sailing as well should be possible this weekend.

Herewith Jimmy’s report back on what has recently been done at the Vlei:

The Vlei and False Bay Ecology Park

At the FBEP committee meeting on Thursday 24th, the ZV Manager, Asieff Khan, reported as follows:

1. Drawdown notes:

100 casual workers employed during good weather conditions.

Removed from shallow water and reeds:
9 000 black bags of refuse
7 refrigerators, 2 washing machines
18 large motor car sections or components
4 trolleys
4 dead dogs
Massive volumes of alien growth, including water hyacinth.

2. The estimated R6m. Cut-Off drain between the sewerage works and the vlei will be completed shortly. Leeching from the pans into the vlei has been estimated as contributing 30% to vlei contamination, and the efficiency of the cut-off drain in reducing this will now be monitored.

3. 3 x R1,5m has been spent on Low-Flow diversion points upstream the Lotus River catchment areas.

4. Specialist sealing of the new mechanical sluice gates in the weir is being completed. From August onwards overflow of clean water over the weir will be prevented by drainage of more contaminated bottom water through the mechanically-lifted new sluice gates.

5. Sludge sampling and analysis continues towards finding a commercially viable extraction and compost-related recycling process.

Note: 70% of greater Cape Town environmental education is conducted through the ZV Peninsula and South Shore education centres. With declining water quality now reversed, the single biggest threat to the Park, the flora and fauna, the tourism potential and to the present user groups is the recently-revived proposed R300 route close to the south shore.

Application for RAMSAR status as a world environmental heritage site is currently under way.

Participating organisations in FBEP: Zandvlei Trust, ZVYC, Friends of ZV and Rondevlei, ZV Environmental Forum, CAFDA, W Cape Fresh Water Angling, ZV Civic, Cape Town Environmental Education Trust, Wildlife & Environmental Society of SA, Cape Nature, Botanical Society of SA, Cape Bird Club, Imvubu Tours, Table Mountain Fund, 8 Dept’s of CT City Council.

Zeekoe Vlei Yacht Club
Tel / Fax: (021) 705-3373
Skype: zeekoevleiyachtclub

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