We had a very well attended AGM and it was filled with fascinating feedback again.
Dalton shared the history of the area and no matter how many times you have heard any version of this talk, you always learn something new! Fascinating.
The existing chairman handed over the meeting to the presiding officer after a detailed presentation of all FOZR activities for the period.
All members of the current FOZR committee were re elected onto the committee with an over whelming majority and we are in the thick of things as usual again.
As of today both Litter fences are 100 percent operational….. fully installed! Wow!

Pelican Lodge Litter CRISIS Averted!
At our AGM we were alerted of a litter overload by the owner of the Pelican Lodge and the fact that he had seeked help by various city departments to no avail. He was desperate and showed us pics that looked impossible to be real. Litter everywhere!
The following day the FOZR committee members responsible for these activities visited the site and to our disgust it was totally worse that the pictures showed! Mounds of litter all over that the broken / none existent litter fences did not stop upstream!
Plenty calls and emails later, no commitment from the city on immediate assistance as the weir was closing in 4 days …
FOZR committee authorised a budget for 10 motivated workers and we sprang into action!!!! Bit by bit we saw PROGRESS!
The media got involved which led to a live interview on 567 Capetalk with John Matham on Wednesday afternoon where all this were discussed in detail…
The following morning, very co incidentally, the site had 38 people in total and a couple of trucks arrived to remove the mounds of litter!
This has now been continuing for the last couple of days! Wow!
Here are some before and after pics so you can see what I am referring to ….. yuuuurch! but results are amazing!

WE NEED YOUR help THIS Saturday

If you want to be updated on all our activities on a daily basis on our Whatsapp group, send your request to 081 354 3045 and I will add you…..