Greetings All …..
Please note the message below from our FBNR management team so that we do what is required to keep everyone as safe as possible …..
The reserve management team, working together with the City’s Scientific Services, has noticed a slight development of blue-green algae in the water at Zeekoevlei. The blooms seem to be at a lower levels for now, however, it is important for our neighbours to be careful around areas of accumulation of algal cells. It is also advisable to keep pets (especially dogs) away from any build-up of scums as these can affect pets. When ingested, algae laded water can cause sicknesses to pets and humans.
The reserve management team will continue monitoring the situation and will communicate with the public whenever there are new developments.
Warm regards,
Bongani Zungu (Pr. Sci. Nat.)
Biodiversity Area Coordinator: Biodiversity Management Branch
Environmental Management Department
Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate
Market on the 19th December
The weather played havoc with our planned market on the first Sunday of December and it was moved to this Sunday (19th December)
So far the weather forecast is looking amazing for the 19th and we look forward to a very successful day …… Hope to see you all there as well…..

There has been many new stall holders applying for places to sell their goods and we therefore need you to share this up coming event on Sunday, in all your social media groups ….
Stay safe all.