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Money lost in Zeekoevlei yesterday

02 Mar Posted by in Uncategorized | 5 comments

Hi All

A local gardener lost R1020 yesterday 1st March, it fell out of his pocket somewhere between Flamingo Crescent and Grassy Park, if you found it and thought “its my lucky day!” please return it and have a blessed day instead 🙂 contact and I will tell you how to return it…

  1. Sidney03-02-18


    If it is not returned. .. each one of us donate R100 to make up his hard earned losses. Your views please.

  2. André Braunschweiler03-02-18

    My R100 are ready !

  3. MoonDance03-13-18

    Any news? did he find the money?

  4. MoonDance03-13-18

    What a kind community we live in…

  5. Theresa03-30-18

    I am looking to rent a 3 bedroom house in this area. Both me and my husband have stable jobs. I am a Operating room registered nurse at Christian barnard hospital and my husband at Hilton Ross.

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