Just a friendly reminder due to an increase in complaints regarding the use of power boats in home bay
(16) No person may on Zeekoevlei –
(a) operate a power boat or cause or permit it to be operated at a speed exceeding 80 km/h;
(b) unless in an emergency, operate a power boat at a speed in excess of 15 km/h on that portion of the recreational water area lying westwards off the line extending from a point, co-ordinates y + 44,958.74 X + 70,311.34, on the north-eastern tip of the peninsula to a point, co-ordinates y + 44,939.29 X + 69,393.42, on Pelican Point (also known as Rocky Point) as well as the portion northwards from the perpendicular projection of a line from a point, coordinates y + 44,393.43 X + 69,765.13, being the southern corner of the southernmost parking bay on the eastern shore of Zeekoevlei to where it intersects the line from the point, co-ordinates y + 44,958.74 X + 70,311.34 to the point, co-ordinates y + 44,939.29 X + 69,393.42, the said lines to be demarcated by signs approved by the Council and erected at the said points and by such additional signs and buoys as the Council may approve; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to any power boat while it is being used by the Western Province Rowing Association on bona fide escort duties.
So what are X and Y co-ordinates?
The X and Y co-ordinates are the legal boundary markers for the boating zones at Zeekoevlei as set by the Vlei By-law (1980). They are based upon the legal framework for Cape Town, which is the surveying points determined by the Clark (1880) frame work.
This was in the days before Google Earth so forget about looking up the longitude and latitude / East-West, North-South on said Google Earth, I tried
We are getting these co-ordinates translated into S and E by the CoCT survey section – there is a conversion formula. But in the meanwhile check out the map…
Thanks for this. Now we need to find a way to get the power boaters to stick to the provided rule.
Somedays I would love to have a rocket launcher, that would do it 🙂
Not on the topic of speed boats, but does anyone know WHY the vlei is so empty this year? There are hordes of sick baby fish. It seems as if they have ‘Ick’, a disease I have seen before on aquarium fish. And we have SO many sea gulls here – more than ever before. Also, because of the shallowness of the vlei, we have many Ibis visiting the shore line lately. In ten years of living here, I have never seen the vlei so empty at this time of the year. Any information, anyone…?
I think the heat and wind have much to do with the water level and the ground wasn’t as wet this winter so a combination? According to Mike from 2 Oceans aquarium the warm water is causing the illness in the fish to be worse than normal, Dalton did mention what it is not ick, but I forget… Dalton help!
Hi All
The death of the fish (carp only) can be attributed to Koi Herpes Virus. There was an outbreak of this disease in Zandvlei in December which was confirmed with DNA samples done in a laboratory in Durban.
Carp have been dying in Strandfontein and Rondevlei with the same symptoms; it is assumed that this is the same disease.
The virus is carried by goldfish and grass carp, but they do not die from it. Carp contract the disease and can live with it until there is a change event such as the water temperature increasing to above 23 deg C. The smaller dead fish will be eaten by birds and only the larger fish (> 4kg) that the pelicans cant eat will be left. The disease kills only Carp and poses no threat to humans, but dead fish should not be eaten.
The Koi Herpes Virus is largely fatal, with mortality rates characteristically at 80 – 100% for carp. This leaves a “gap” in the ecosystem and is more of a reason to get fish ladders installed to bring the harders back up the Zeekoevlei river and back into the vlei.
Oh for the construction of a fish ladder and the clearing and re-establishment of the canal leading to Strandfontein! Cllr. August, what does the future hold? Could this be linked to the dredging project for which an ROD exists?
The Ibis are eating the small fish too along with the small egrets, gulls herons and pelicans – not ever seen this of the ibis in the 42 years we have been here.
Maybe some harders could be introduced as the chances of funds being available for fish ladders has scant chance of materializing and if somehow they were to get on a budget it will take 2 years plus for the process to grind through the system – read previous info on this slow process as outlined by a previous contributor to this site dealing with the CFWWTW smell/centrifuges/sludge etc etc.
Just imagine if the Harders came back in the vlei. Better get patrol boats out to stop a fishing frenzy.
Comment from Joy Garmen I have no knowledge of any inisructton to Kelvin to cease the “Dressing of the Princess” initiative at Princessvlei. The “powers that be” to whom you refer may be City Parks who manage the land on behalf of the City. I am sure you are aware that the proposed shopping center is extremely contentious and therefore it would be better to concentrate rehabilitation efforts on other areas around the vlei.I will not quote the NEMA Regulations to you verbatim, but yes, if the banks of the vlei are altered and it involves the removal or depositing of more than 5m3, then the NEMA Regulations may well apply.Please be assured that my branch (Environmental Management Services: District H) is well aware of the environmental sensitivities of this area and we have highlighted them through all our involvement. We are also aware that the original EIA process was not comprehensive.I hope that you raised these concerns and made these comments as part of the public participation process to extend the rezoning approval. I also suggest that you repeat this exercise during the public participation process for the sale of the land. This is normally advertised in the Cape Times and Die Burger on a Friday morning, however, there has been no indication of when this will happen.I hope the above helps to address some of, if not all, the issues you raised.Best regardsJoyJoy GarmanSenior Professional Officer: Southern RegionEnvironmental Resource Management DepartmentCity of Cape Town
Hi There,
Is the power boat club still active at the vlei? and does anyone have a contact number for the club? or information about using a power boat on the vlei?
Many thanks